Will I ever feel normal again

I have started this blog post over and over trying to pin point the moment I started to not right, but I don’t think I can actually remember, from as far back as I can remember it has always been there. the first memory I have is when I was I think 12/13 and I had my first boyfriend, I was smitten with this guy who I had fallen for, first love and all that, and he would message me and say he was coming round to see me at a certain time and then not show up, then the time would change and change and change, until it got to the point where I was waiting at my mums bedroom window waiting for him to come, and then his phone would “die” and he wouldn’t turn up, I can’t describe how I felt but it was kind of let down but also a kind of like I wasn’t worth it.
in 2013 I gave birth to my first daughter, this beautiful amazing person now depended on me and I was so overwhelmed and scared and everything else just like any first mother, but something didn’t sit right, something felt wrong and weird and I didn’t feel myself at all, and I was diagnosed with post natal depression

Definition: depression suffered by a mother following childbirth, typically arising from the combination of hormonal changes, psychological adjustment to motherhood, and fatigue.

My local surgery id like to say was a big help but they really weren’t, I was offered counselling which I did for one session and didn’t return, I couldn’t cope with how far they were digging into my past and it broke me to the point where I shut it off and I pushed it all back and forget about it. which is the worst thing to do.
after going to the doctors again and again asking for help to stop my thoughts spinning and to feel a sense of normality in my life they finally put me on Fluoxetine, which made me at first feel worse, but in the long run made me feel a little bit like myself. however when I feel pregnant again with my second daughter I had to stop taking the medication totally, I was spiralling and I didn’t have anyone to turn to. anxiety and depression can make you feel so alone. so lonely, and whenever you try and explain how you feel to someone you feel like you are begging for attention. which isn’t the case.
for myself, attention is the last thing I want, I constantly feel judged, and looked down on, I feel like people talk about me behind my back, and thats really the worst feeling in the world.
Anyway, after her birth, I was monitored and constantly asked how I was feeling and what meds I wanted to go on and what I wanted to do. I opted for the medication again, I was breastfeeding so was unable to go back on the one I was, so I was put on 50g of sertraline, this dosage for me didn’t do anything didn’t even strict the surface, i would panic when I left the house that something was going to go wrong, I remember this one time I left the house to go to b&m it was freezing cold so I placed my 1 month old in her snowsuit, and then in her car seat, the heating in my car was on as well, and when we were about 5 minutes from the shop she just would not stop crying, I remember thinking she’s okay, but reality is she wasn’t, when we pulled up in the car she was sweating so much that her clothes were wet through, in my head I had hurt her I didn’t deserve to be her mother and everyone around me was judging me, I didn’t want to drive home I didn’t want to get out the car and drive around I didn’t want to do anything I just wanted to sit there and hold her and make sure she was okay. I didn’t even go into the store in the end I drove home, and stayed at home and for about a week I didn’t leave the house, I refused to just incase I hurt her again. I would have thoughts not suicidal thoughts but thoughts like if I died tonight no-one would know and my children would be here and wouldn’t be able to do anything, I was then upped to 100g and then offed therapy. I’m doing good at the moment, on occasions I forget to take it, and I feel light headed, I feel sick and all I want to do is sleep, this is when I think to myself, the medication is controlling me controlling how I feel and I feel like a robot. I want to be able to go out and not be on the medication, I want to feel normal. I want my brain not to think at 100 miles per hour about everything that could go wrong and look at the positive side of things. but i’m scared I will never get to this point and I need to know things that I can do to help me.
before I get judged on here my kids are my world, I would do anything for them, I am a good mother and they will always be put first.

I have pretty much rambled in this whole blog post but I needed to get off my chest before my head exploded

until next time




Its been a while..
the reason I started writing a blog was to kind of take the load off, in a sense.
After having my eldest daughter I suffered with postnatal depression, which then has developed into anxiety. I am on sertaline, but I don’t want to be on any medication.
I have come to realise that I pass over everything and act like there is nothing wrong, when really I am crying out for someone to talk to.. thats where the blog comes in.
over the years I have :
– had my belly pierced
– had my medusa pierced
– had my nose pierced
– septum pierced
– multiple ear piercings
– chopped all my hair off
– dyed it a wacky colour
– brought a dog that doesn’t even live with me
why, why am I doing all this stuff and I ask this all the time and its almost to make myself feel better but that feeling lasts 10 mins and then its gone and I’m trying to think of the next thing I can do to make myself feel better. I act up, I out on this front and try and cover up the fact I feel like I cannot cope with my life.
I’m worrying about worrying. and I can’t control my thoughts and feelings and I push away people that are trying to help me.
I live in a rented house, with my two kids, I don’t have a full time job, I have so many ideas about what I want to do, but I’m scared that I won’t succeed and then I just don’t do anything about it. when really I just need to do it before I really do ended up doing nothing.
every day I want to set myself goals, to accomplish, and to help myself do things that I wouldn’t normally do because I’m to scared of the outcome, I don’t talk to mums at the school, they all look stuck up and older than me, when really I should be doing something to interact with them.
im going to stop with my impulsiveness, and start doing things that I need to do and want to do. so today my goal is to review a recent purchase.

its not easy and I understand that its going to be really really hard to get to where I want to be but I will not allow my anxiety to rule my life. and I hope this blog will help me do what I want to do.